
In questi anni abbiamo corso così velocemente che dobbiamo ora fermarci perché la nostra anima possa raggiungerci. (Michael Ende) ---- A chi può procedere malgrado gli enigmi, si apre una via. Sottomettiti agli enigmi e a ciò che è assolutamente incomprensibile. Ci sono ponti da capogiro. Sospesi su abissi di perenne profondità. Ma tu segui gli enigmi. (Carl Gustav Jung) altre lingue... inglese.... altre lingue...


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261. LONG SHADOWS OVER THE SHOAH by un'Americana a Venezia

Anche quest’anno l’edizione di Spiritualità e Arte di gennaio è dedicata interamente alla giornata della memoria. Ha scritto Albert Einstein ‘I crimini di cui gli ebrei sono stati incolpati nel corso della storia – crimini intesi a giustificare le atrocità perpetrate contro di essi – sono mutati in rapida successione […] Le accuse contro di loro, accuse della cui falsità gli istigatori erano ogni volta perfettamente consapevoli, superavano ogni immaginazione, ma hanno influenzato ripetutamente le masse. […] In questo caso, si può parlare di antisemitismo latente.’ In proposito, un’Americana a Venezia si sofferma criticamente su alcune teorie che hanno fatto tracimare i limiti intellettivi degli uomini, limiti che spesso si esprimono in forma collettiva: queste teorie infatti sono state in grado di muovere le masse, che  facilmente si sono coalizzate contro il diverso, dopo aver assunto  la consapevolezza della sua non infrequente pericolosa superiorità culturale: anche in questi casi, come direbbe Goya, ' El sueño de la razón produce monstruos', il sonno della ragione genera mostri.  RR

When organized violence is committed within the confines of civilized society, sooner or later rational people wonder how and why it could have taken place.  Blame for the Holocaust is normally placed squarely on the Fuhrer and his obedient Nazi regime.  Given the ferocity with which they ordered so much pain upon so many, it does not occur to us to stop for a moment and analyze the fountain they were drinking from when they began planning their takeover of Europe.  It will shock many to learn that they were inspired by the pseudoscientific theories of influential Americans, Englishmen, and Frenchmen whose fanatical notions about race were fast becoming popular at the beginning of the 20th century.  By 1896, for the first time in U.S. history, the "new immigrants" outnumbered the country's original Northern European population.  Between 1900 and 1908, over six million more "new immigrants" arrived, mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe.  Among them were a large number of Jews.  Despite Israel Zangwill's term "Melting Pot," used in 1908 to describe this ongoing phenomenon, the reaction by many established Americans to radical demographic transition was hostile.  "Scientific Racism" soon reared its ugly head, the mindset that inspired Hitler to want to eradicate those he considered "unfit."  Unfortunately, the Fuhrer and his lieutenants were not the only self-appointed guards of the human gene pool.  The very book that Hitler called "my Bible" was written by a wealthy American named Madison Grant who often walked to his law office through what was then known as "Jewtown," one of New York's most crowded neighborhoods.  Annoyed by the presence of so many lower class Jews, as opposed to New York's longstanding upper class Jewish families, Grant's pseudoscientific The Passing of the Great Race (1916) would inspire Hitler's Mein Kampf (1924).  Grant himself had been overwhelmed by the affirmations of a certain William Z. Ripley, an American economist and professor at Columbia University, M.I.T., and Harvard, who wrote in The Races of Europe (1899) that Europe's white population was divided into three distinct groups, one superior to the next, with the "Teutons" being at the top.  Ripley was capable of disparaging Jews based on stereotypical physical characteristics.  Grant, who all but memorized Ripley, later changed "Teutons" to "Nordics," meaning people of Northern European ancestry, which he then labelled as "the master race."  Ripley himself had been inspired by other writers as well as by General Francis A. Walker, another economist from M.I.T. and Yale, who held that "Teutons" were an endangered American species.  Aryanism, as it had always been called, was the belief that Aryans (Teutons or Nordics) were superior to all other ethnic groups.  Aryanists who inspired Ripley and Grant were:  1) the Frenchman Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) who wrote The Inequality of Human Races and was recognized by the Nazis as a founding father of their platform; 2) Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927), a Nazi favorite, who added anti-Semitism and biology to the mix, likening the Jews to "an agricultural pest" that had to be eliminated before it spread.  Chamberlain adhered to "craniometry," as if a person's genetic makeup could be measured in his skull, and claimed without shame that "Equality is a foolish humanitarian daydream!"  Among his fans were George Bernard Shaw, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and Hitler who made a point of attending his funeral.  Then there was 3) Georges Vacher, Comte de Lepouge, who despaired that the Aryans in France were being overrun by the inferior Alpine stock in league with the Jews.  The arrival of Moroccans, Senegalese, and Indo-Chinese in France also disturbed him; he called it "colonization in reverse."  Like Chamberlain, Lepouge advocated the destruction of weak and deformed infants.  Hitler's American idol, Madison Grant, was not only a popular racist but also a proponent of new immigration laws as well as eugenics. Eugenics was a term invented by Charles Darwin's half-cousin Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) whose founding document was Hereditary Talent and Character (1865), which led to another book, Hereditary Genius.  Galton advised selective breeding in humans, either positively, by promoting breeding in the "talented," or negatively, by discouraging propagation of the "unfit."  Eugenics caught on in a big way in the United States between the turn of the century and the end of World War II.  Arch American eugenicist Harry H. Laughlin had proposed a federally mandated "Model Eugenical Sterilization Law" in 1922, but it never passed.  However, promoted by individuals behind organizations with ominous names, the eugenics movement in the United States resulted in the forced sterilization of over 60,000 individuals in over 30 states, including many poor African American and Native American women.  California's program was by far the most active.  The "California Sterilization Law Model" served the Nazis both during their reign of terror as well as at the Nuremberg trials where they easily showed that their policies were based on the California program as laid out in print by E.S. Gosney and Paul B. Popenoe.  In 1936, California raceologist C. M. Goethe said, himself encouraged, "California has led all the world in sterilization operations.  Today, even California's quarter century has, in two years, been outdistanced by Germany."  By the end of WWII, over 400,000 individuals had been sterilized under German laws while the last forced sterilization in the U.S. took place in Oregon in 1981.  If Madison Grant were alive today, there is no doubt that he would be pushing to revive the practice, and possibly to do much worse.  Like many of his colleagues mentioned in this article, he left no heirs.  Grant left only a zoological park, the Bronx Zoo, where he once felt comfortable keeping a human being, an African pygmy, in a cage in the Primates Section, this until public outrage expressed mostly by African Americans forced Grant to stop the show.  Considering that the current President of the U.S. has black as well as white blood, we can conclude that the U.S. has indeed come a long way since the days of Madison Grant.  And yet, following the President's re-election in 2012, this writer heard white citizens with Anglo Saxon roots complaining, "They finally outnumber us."  Were they referring to political parties?  To liberals as opposed to conservatives?  No.  In an election where policy was the only real issue, a surprising number of people reduced the outcome to a question of ethnicity.  Perhaps the long shadows of the people mentioned in this article are still hanging over the civilized world.  The most we can do is be aware of such shadows and chase them away with the light of true reason.   UN’AMERICANA A VENEZIA     

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(Michael Ende)

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A chi può procedere malgrado gli enigmi, si apre una via. Sottomettiti agli enigmi e a ciò che è assolutamente incomprensibile. Ci sono ponti da capogiro, sospesi su abissi di perenne profondità. Ma tu segui gli enigmi.

(Carl Gustav Jung)