
In questi anni abbiamo corso così velocemente che dobbiamo ora fermarci perché la nostra anima possa raggiungerci. (Michael Ende) ---- A chi può procedere malgrado gli enigmi, si apre una via. Sottomettiti agli enigmi e a ciò che è assolutamente incomprensibile. Ci sono ponti da capogiro. Sospesi su abissi di perenne profondità. Ma tu segui gli enigmi. (Carl Gustav Jung) altre lingue... inglese.... altre lingue...


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416. THE ENEMY by un'Americana a Venezia

This has been a most difficult post to write.  I was about to give up on it when I heard an ironic line in a film that spurred me on.  A woman asked a man if he was religious.  He said, "Yes--I couldn't tolerate not having someone to blame for all this."  For ages, all of mankind used to blame his worst conditions and actions on some kind of evil force.  Today this same force doesn't want to control world energy resources or claim first rights to the moon.  What this force has always wanted here on earth cannot be bought or sold, only saved or lost.  The enemy is a destroyer of souls.  Many people today regard the enemy as a feature of primitive cults, medieval scare tactics, old literature and the horror genre.  Only economics, politics and even religion itself determine mankind's problems, they say.  Modern people assume that reality is a known quantity, based on matter, although the new physics is changing that.  Still, science thinks it can explain, even predict, human behavior, based on studies and research.  Where does the "enemy" fit in then?  This post was prompted by the news of a crime committed near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Fascinated by a "bogey man" on the Internet, described as a tall, thin, faceless figure in a suit, with tentacle-like hands, two preteens began plotting for months to kill another 12-year-old girl in order to win its favor.  Said one, "Many people do not believe Slender Man is real [and we] wanted to prove the skeptics wrong."  The victim has survived 19 stab wounds, one landing a millimeter from her heart.  The two would-be murderers will be tried as adults.  One of them said the entity had come to her in dreams and communicated with her telepathically.  She was surprised at how little remorse she felt.  The other said she "could hardly believe it was really happening" as they carried out the plan.  In Ohio, another young girl, 13, has just attacked and injured her mother with a knife in their kitchen, under the influence of the same meme, the mother suspects.  "She wasn't herself," the woman said.  "I felt she was acting."  Trance-like behavior under the influence of the adversary is par for the course, according to an elderly, no-nonsense exorcist named Father Amorth who says that Hollywood-style possession is rare; the enemy's chief aim is to succeed in temptation.  Father Amorth warns that the adversary is hiding in plain sight today.  Yet the discussion of evil is so unpleasant that most people shun it.  They want any and all talk of "evil" to just go away, or to slip into the pages of books, including the New Testament.  Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung noted, "Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness.  One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."  In order to make choices in the light, we must be aware of this darkness.  Our media by now are drowning in it.  What used to be considered unspeakable and sinful has become prime time news and entertainment.  Rather than society's taking the devil by the horns, there are simply more Mr. Hydes emerging for every Dr. Jekyll.  The enemy is taking advantage of our ignorance, our arrogance, and our materialism.  The power of suggestion is powerful indeed.  How is it possible that young girls like those in the news stories above have become willing to wield knives for a "bogey man"?  We must wonder, what is going on in their psyches?  Alas, too many people feel no need to answer to God, much less acknowledge that an antagonistic force is forever trying to pull the human race, and Planet Earth with it, towards chaos and ruin.  Jung's term for this phenomenon is "the shadow."  He said, "The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality."  Jung and Amorth would agree that we must admit that darkness exists.  Jung says it's in our unconscious; we have to face our shadow in order not to be overcome by it.  Every religion, past and present, has recognized at least one such enemy.  Even in Buddhist philosophy, Mara, the tempter, wants to extinguish our spiritual life.  In Christianity, Satan, which literally means "adversary," has been hell-bent on destruction ever since his expulsion from Heaven for insubordination.  No matter what we believe, we need to be honest with ourselves and others.  Inner enemies such as anger, ego, deceit, and greed must be dealt with.  Saint Pio of Pietralcina (1887-1968), known as Padre Pio, was a spiritual combat veteran.  He said, "Don't spend your energies on things that generate worry, anxiety, and anguish.  Only one thing is necessary:  Lift up your spirit and love God."  He had many encounters with the adversary.  A tall, thin man in an elegant suit once entered the confessional and began describing abominable acts, defending them like a lawyer.  After a few minutes of atrocious "confession" and blasphemy, Padre Pio said with deliberate force, "Say, 'Long live Jesus!  Long live Maria!'"  Hearing those holy names, the blasphemer vanished in a tongue of flame, leaving behind a fetor.  The man in the suit, Padre Pio knew then, was the father of lies.  Padre Pio is known to have said, "Fear is an evil worse than evil itself."  Despite the presence of evil in the world, we dare not live in fear.  We need only be careful not to do things that we know are wrong.  Let us pray especially hard for young people everywhere, that they will recognize traps and avoid them, not lose their souls and become instruments of the enemy's war.  May our hearts vibrate in accord with the words Jesus taught us, "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  Praise God!  There are many more angels than demons in the universe.  UN'AMERICANA A VENEZIA         

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(Michael Ende)

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A chi può procedere malgrado gli enigmi, si apre una via. Sottomettiti agli enigmi e a ciò che è assolutamente incomprensibile. Ci sono ponti da capogiro, sospesi su abissi di perenne profondità. Ma tu segui gli enigmi.

(Carl Gustav Jung)